Saturday, June 23

RSpec: TDD 1

Test Driven-Development, is used to write test for desired functions of your program before you write actual code. General steps would be:

  1. write test code so that they will fail when executed (since you haven't implemented your function)
  2. write the simplest function code to make the test pass
  3. after passing all test, try to fill and refactor your function code

In this case, your tests would lead you through development, to write your functions. Assuming your tests are consistent with your requirement, TDD will reduce bugs in your code because they ensure that you are building the program correctly.

In Ruby, RSpec is used to do this TDD task. Actually it is also involved in BDD, that is why I think TDD and BDD should be worked together. In fact I am not 100% sure what is TDD, what is BDD. Anyway, in rspec, tests are mostly like this:

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  1. require 'spec_helper'
  3. describe MoviesController do
  4.   describe 'searching TMDb' do
  5.     before :each do
  6.       @fake_results = [mock('movie1'), mock('movie2')]
  7.     end
  8.     it 'should call the model method that performs TMDb search' do
  9.       Movie.should_receive(:find_in_tmdb).with('hardware').
  10.         and_return(@fake_results)
  11.       post :search_tmdb, {:search_terms => 'hardware'}
  12.     end
  13.     describe 'after valid search' do
  14.       before :each do
  15.         Movie.stub(:find_in_tmdb).and_return(@fake_results)
  16.         post :search_tmdb, {:search_terms => 'hardware'}
  17.       end
  18.       it 'should select the Search Results template for rendering' do
  19.         response.should render_template('search_tmdb')
  20.       end
  21.       it 'should make the TMDb search results available to that template' do
  22.         assigns(:movies).should == @fake_results
  23.       end
  24.     end
  25.   end
  26. end

This is a test for the function to search movie titles in the TMDB. Line 3 tells us it is a test for MoviesController, a controller file. Line 4 is to indicate our desired function, to "search TMDb". Then line 8, 18, 21, sentences that started with "it" are actually desired behaviors for our function. They will represent three blocks as shown, and each of the block will contains a series of smaller test. Note by this time we don't have any codes to realize such behaviors. It looks a lot like Cucumber syntax, but somehow more concise, more focus on general i/o than detail steps. Line 5-7 is a block that would be executed every time in the following three blocks. These are similar to background steps in Cucumber. Inside the before block, we create a fake result using mock method, which create 2 fake Movie object. I think this is another play of convention over configuration because the method does not explicitly state Movie, maybe this is test for MoviesController so it automatically creates Movie object. These fake objects are used to test whether there will be a method called.

In line 8-12, it is the first test, to "call the model method that perform TMDb search". Like I say above, to pass the test, we should have a model method, also if we pass some parameters it could return something, that is basically what line 9-10 says. Note although here is a model method, but we test on our controller. Thus, we have to include a call to a model method (it even does not need to exist in models.rb) in controller explicitly. What is more, even you have a model method with this name in the model file, it will get overwritten by RSpec during the test. All we do is only to pass the test. Line 11 is the action, to make a post request with given parameters.

After the first block, you could see line 13-24 is actually a nested block contains 2 tests. Because they have common steps so we create this to avoid duplicate code. Note in both 2 tests, the requirement turns from should_receive to stub. Stub also creates a model method, but it does not require it to be called. We use it because in the latter 2 tests we don't care about whether the method is called or not ( it is the 1st test's job). In 2nd test for example, we only care about if the corresponding search tmdb template is being rendered or not. For the 3rd test, we use assign method to get whatever the program send to the instance variable @movies (again, convention), because we want to know if search results are correctly sent to the template.

At lase, to make the test run we use rspec spec_file_name, or execute autotest at the project root, so that all tests would be executed automatically every time you change codes that would affect the test result. Also make sure there is a database for test; TDD of course belongs to the test environment.

Codes are not hard. But some concepts are tricky. I will continue tomorrow.

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