Sunday, October 7

Measure cache parameters

1. to use gettimeofday()
Note from unix manual, if you use it in C, you have to add "struct" before "timeval xx". Also, include <sys/time.h> instead of <time.h>, because the former is where the struct timeval get defined.


Tuesday, October 2

Step by step https client/server building

Server side with apache, mysql and python scripting on ec2 ubuntu server 12.04; client side with android 2.3 and sqlite built-in. Also, both of them have secure tls connection ability.

I will go directly into the topic. Start with server side. For a basic http server on ec2 using apache, refer here. Note in this article the environment is actually different, instead of using source code to build the apache, I install apache directly using command apt-get install apache2. It surprisingly takes good care of all details and works well at least for now. The configuration is different in these two installation and I suggest you use apt-get.

When done installing, apache is already up to go. Default http configuration file is located at /etc/apache2/sites-available/default. If you fire up http://localhost you should be seeing "It works" page. This is page, index.html is located at /var/www, it serves as your site, where you could put all html files in and if your computer has an ip address, others could see your site by accessing the ip address. Another easier way to test if the server is working well is to use curl command, curl http://localhost and it will return the response of the server, which in this case the default index.html. Curl is easier to use when you want to test the response of server, you don't need any other clients to fire the request.

Now let's go into tls. I assume you already have the key file and cert file on your server. Put them into /etc/ssl/private and /etc/ssl/certs respectively, they are the default dir apache is looking at for key and cert files. Then follow this excellent doc to setup ssl module for apache. There is a default ssl configuration file you could customize: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl, it includes file directories of ssl request and so on. The default dir is the same as http connection, which is /var/www. If you put a different index.html in it, when you test using curl -k -3 https://localhost, k means accessing without any cert files and 3 is the version number of ssl protocol you are gonna use. This will give this page so that you know you are in a https connection.

Ok, now we have this ssl server working pretty well. There is one more step to go on the server side which is add the handler to deal with different requests. Now all we could request is the default page. We want more. Particularly, I need a handler that takes in a POST method, extract its data, and then put them into a table in mysql db on the server.

First to install mysql. apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client. Note, in ec2, you could directly sudo su, without typing in any password, go into root. just to make things easier, cause most of configurations and commands here need to root. Then, I install mysql python interface, python-mysqldb, you could install whatever you like, php, etc.

Then we will see how to use python script to handle http/https request. We use CGI (Common gateway interface); it is a way to make executable file like scripts request-able at client side. The default dir for cgi scripts is /usr/lib/cgi-bin. Put your scripts there and they should be immediately up for http request. Here is my echo python script:

Basically for a POST request with several key/value pairs, it will print out # of pairs and every pair. It uses a python module called cgi, and cgitb is another module to enable debugging function. Note the line 9 is necessary because it tells the server and client this is valid html text, otherwise client would probably throw out "invalid response" error. In fact CGI is not the best way to do script request, it is highly unstable when scripts get complex. But it is the easiest way to get it going. Now curl --data "key1=value1&key2=value2" https://localhost/cgi-bin/ it will and should return the result of the script. Note --data is how you send POST request via curl.

To this point, the server setup should reach a happy ending. Now let's look at the client side. The very first thing you need to do is, in your android project, be sure to include the cert file of your server, maybe at /res/raw; it is required in tls connection. Details could be found here.

Assuming you know how to use httpClient in android, you should be already connecting your server and client. Have fun!